How to increase productivity in business

With each New Year comes a clean slate for many businesses and January can often present an opportunity to strive for other ways to be successful.

The truth is, productivity is key to any business’s success and small changes really can make a big difference. If you’re aspiring to increase your business productivity, here are a few top tips from our business growth accountants.

Incentivise your staff

One of the best ways to increase productivity in business is with incentives. There are many ways in which you can incentivise your staff, from discounts and perks at work to monthly social events.

A recent study even found that happy employees are 13% more productive than unhappy employees. 

Don’t be afraid to hire for new roles

If there’s an area of your business you’re keen to grow and expand, don’t be afraid to hire an internal expert to help you get started. It might be tempting to utilise existing staff, but the knowledge and expertise of an expert could be extremely beneficial in the long term.

Upgrade your technology

If your workers spend the majority of their day working behind a computer or answering phone calls, you’ll want to ensure they have the latest equipment that allows them to do their job effectively.

Simply upgrading your systems or software could have a positive impact on your business’s productivity.

Introduce new software

From task management programs to communication software, there are plenty of handy tools out there to help your employees manage their tasks and communicate effectively with each other.

Slack is a powerful tool for larger businesses looking to communicate between teams, while task management tools could help your employees stay on top of things. 

Stay focused and motivated

As an entrepreneur, it’s important that you show your staff how passionate you are about your business – and the key to this is staying motivated throughout the year.

Our accountants for entrepreneurs can help you plan more effectively for your business, keep you safe from financial danger and even help you discover better ways of optimising your cash flow. This way, you can increase business productivity and really stay in touch with what matters most to you.

Outsource your finances

If you’re a small or medium-sized business owner who likes to take care of their own finances, hiring an expert could give you more time to focus on your core business operations.

In fact, even larger companies are also increasing their outsourcing of financial management. For more information, contact our outsourced financial management team.

Here’s how we can help

Our team of accountants based in Manchester can help you with all aspects of your business, from productivity and business growth to generic tax advice. Our accountants have been helping businesses UK-wide since 1976 and their expertise is second to none.

To find out more, contact our team on 0161 832 4841 or email and one of our professional accountants will be in touch shortly.

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